Wednesday 22 April 2020

Migrants Labour

       Effect Lockdown On Migrant Labour

         To stop the effect of corona virus Indian government announced a Lockdown on 24march 2020. 
       MIGRANT LABOUR who are working in farms , Industries are facing a lots of problem due to this announcement . They are forced to make a Journey On Foot, due to ban on public transport,from cities to there village.

            Some of the Labours are going in very inhuman conditions. 200 to 250 were escaping through container of truck. It's a big challenge for the Indian government to deliver the labour safely to there respective villages without spreading of corona virus.
                  There are  some  workers of assam and north bengal  who are  stucked in howarh  railway station of west bengal,who leave the cities before the train shutdown. But the government are trying best to deliver them to there villages.And it is also a risk if the migrants not quarantine them in their homes upon reaching their hometown, can pose a serious risk for community spread.
              So to stop this Ministry of Home Affairs  adviced to state and Unions Territories and ask them to provide food water to the Migrant Labour.